Monday, December 16, 2013

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Rated: PG-13

Tory Says:

I am a Harry Potter and Twilight geek to the core. I was expecting to LOVE The Hunger Games. I liked the first one but wasn’t jumping to go see Catching Fire. However, I’m so glad I did. I actually loved this one. I haven’t read the books so I can’t give that comparison but I was on the edge of my car’s seat (I saw it at the drive-in) almost the whole time!
The acting was SO much better in this one. I’m a big Jennifer Lawrence fan and this role feels made for her. The relationship with Peeta is a complicated one and the story line for this film definitely leaves you wanting more! There are moments of emotion that make you want to cry. I almost lost it when she is sent back into the arena. Without giving anything away, they tug on some heartstrings during that part. Jenna Malone as Johanna was fantastic! I truly enjoyed her performance. She had the perfect combo of smart aleck, angst and bad ass. Lol
As soon as it was over, I wanted to stay for the next show. It really was that good. Those I have talked to who have read the book say that this film nailed it! Let me put it this way, it was SO good that I went home and started reading the series. I can’t wait to get to this book and the next as well. There is a bit of a cliff hanger at the end of this film so beware if you haven’t read the books. I’m excited to see how this story will end up. No different from the first Hunger Games as far as your kid being able to see it but for ones who haven’t read the books, the cliffhanger maybe confused or upset them so keep that in mind. I’m giving this one a 9 out of 10. I can’t wait to own it! I’m already betting that I’ll see it again before it leaves theaters.

Cat Says:

I am the only one out of the three of us who has read all three books. For the "fan boys" out there this will not disappoint. The outline of the movie is that it picks up where the last one left off. If all three books were put together into one this would be the middle section. The first part of the book would be the set up. Introducing the concept and the world that they live in and what they face. This second part, the middle part, shows you what happens after the first games ended and how Katniss brings about a revolution on her own. The Capital tries to slow her down by throwing her and Peta back into the games but this is the beginning of the end for the Capital and everyone knows it. The movie ends at a part that feels unfinished. A cliffhanger. Sort of like you stopped reading right in the last third of a great book. It is set up for the third section of the story which will be told in two movies. Those are the ones I'm dying to see and find out how they manage to translate it onto the big screen because, in the books, the effects are just SO fantastic! For those who have not read the books please do brace yourself for an abrupt ending to this movie. But it's SO worth it. 

For those of you with kids. The first games were a lot more brutal than what they show in the second movie. The other victors are not really the danger here, the Capital bent on killing them all is the real threat. These effects can be very scary for smaller kids but the movie, as a whole, isn't as violent. 

My only regret is that they didn't flesh out the newer characters as much as I would have liked but at over 2 hours in length they really just didn't have the time or it would have ended up being a 3 hour movie. All of them are very interesting characters and my favorite, Finnick, (played by Sam Claflin) has a larger role in the third book so it would have been nice to have seen more of his character fleshed out a bit.So for this it loses a point. I give it an 8 out of 10. See it on the big screen if you can! Definitely go get the books so you can catch up with what they didn't have the time to show in the movies!

Barbara Says:

Some have said this movie did not have enough action but for me it was just right. I watched it on just about every lunch break and saw the movie completely twice. The entire cast is perfect in their roles..even the villans. In my eyes at least, Donald Sutherland is one of the best old time actors.  As for Jennifer Lawrence, she is a up and coming young actor who will go far if she does not let it all go to her head.  Only 21 and she has it all.  This second in the series of Hunger Games is mostly setting up the coming last two.  Yes, you read it correctly.  The last will be broken into two movies so they can get everything into it. One woman came out of watching this one and was very upset about how it ended.  When I reminded her there were others coming she replied "Yes,in a year.''  I do know where she is coming from because a year is a long time in my life too.  But I keep wandering away from the facts of this movie.  It keeps you guessing on just what Katniss feels for Peta.  I, at my age have come to know you can love two people at the same time..just in different ways for different reasons. There are a few surprises for those who have not read the books (I have not) and so makes for a very good time.  I like this series (never cared for Twilight series) and the actors are very good .  So will look forward to next year and The Uprising.  I give this one a 9 out of 10 rating.

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