Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Thanks For Sharing Rated: R

Barbara Says:

Addictions...we all have them of one kind or another.  Some are ones you can tell people about and others you hide very carefully. This is what the movie `Thanks for Sharing' is about..'addictions.'  The kind we can accept and the kind we think is a joke or cop-out.  This movie has some very good actors.  Tim Robbins,Gwyneth Paltrow,Mark Ruffalo and Patrick Fugit.  It deals with drinking,drugs. and sex addictions.  Mark Ruffalo plays a guy with a sex problem who has been on the wagon for 5 years. He meets a woman he really likes and then knows he has to tell her about his past.  But he knows this is an addiction people laugh about and do not believe is real. And most definitly not a problem. But it is not only a very real problem but one that can destroy your life. Patrick Fugit plays a younger version caught in the undertow of the same addiction and going down for the last time. It is funny at times and you feel so sad for them too.  Trying not to think about sex all day is like trying not to drink when you work in a bar.   There was one line in the movie thats very funny and I will remember it. Mark tells Tim he has all these feelings that are driving him crazy.  Tim tells him``feelings are like children..you don`t want them driving the car but you can`t stuff them in the trunk either. Deal with them." That is so very true.  This a very adult movie but it is a thinking person`s movie too.  It gives us a good insight into the everyday problems those with these serious addictions must handle without going down.  We enjoyed it and recommend it those who want a funny,tender and serious movie for a change. Out of 10 I gave it a good 8 for acting and content.

Cat Says:

First of all, I love Indies. We don't get many in our part of the state because we are a "small" market. So I'm happy for the ones we do get. We headed out to go see this movie not really knowing what is was about and only knowing the Mark Ruffalo, Tim Robbins and Gwenyth Paltrow were in it. What we got was a very good movie.

Ok, to break it down for you. Ruffalo is a recovering sex addict. He's been 5 years "sober". This means no sex or sexual contact of any sort for 5 years. Robbins plays his sponsor who also had substance abuse issues as well as the sexual addiction. Add in there Josh Gad who plays a fairly messed up addict who is just starting to attend the meetings and not succeeding in his recovery efforts and you have 3 guys who are trying to make their way through this very difficult process. Ruffalo meets Paltrow and, for the first time in 5 years, he has a relationship which leads to sex which confuses the issue and his recovery greatly. Robbins is still married but, while being a wonderful guidepost for those he helps, still has many unresolved issues in his own family with his wife and grown son. Gad meets and mentors Pink (yes, the singer) who plays a substance and sex addict trying to find her way in an environment that is mostly made up of men. Gad's character is able to help her, and she is able to help him, just by being a platonic touchstone. All of these stories are touching, sweet, and evlolving. All of the characters are interesting, entertaining, heartbreaking, flawed, damaged and real. 

Due to the subject matter it is very adult. There are scenes that include masterbation, sex acts, pornography and nudity. Fortunately they don't go terribly far with any of these scenes. They are supposed to make you feel uncomfortable while they give more details about each of the characters. This does make the film for 17 and older. I give it an 8 out of 10. Doesn't need to be seen on the big screen but very good.

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