Ok, first off I have to admit I've been a "fringe fan" of Star Trek. One of those wives who go with her husband to see the movies but doesn't really watch it at home? The series has been on our tv but I only half watch it. So, a fringe fan. However when they brought out the first of this rebooted series a couple of years ago I really enjoyed that movie and wondered where they were going to take the franchise next and was it going to be just as good. Well, they proved they could make one just as good.

Star Trek - Into the Darkness picks up pretty much where the last one left off. Kirk, played once again by Chris Pine, is as full of himself as always which leads them into a whole bunch of trouble, almost gets Spock killed and basically messes up his career path. Fortunately for him a new villain appears on the screen...or should I say, an old one. Kahn. This newly stylized version of Kahn, played by Benedict Cumberbatch is a menacing and viscious as you could hope for him to be. His plan is revenge on the current Admiral, played by Peter Weller of Robocop fame, and he will do anything he needs in order to carry out that revenge. For the first time it is not Kirk's job to explore the Universe, it's his job to hunt down this almost unstoppable force and find a way to stop him.

The effects, as always, are completely believable. The acting is great, everyone is perfectly cast and does their jobs beautifully. The violence is comic book variety and you don't actually see the more intense violence but are aware of it just the same. So it earns a PG:13 rating with the hand to hand battles and inferred violence just off screen. Something to be aware of for the younger members of the family. But then following the convoluted story will be harder for the under 8 crowd anyway.

It is fairly clear where they are going after this movie. They have introduced some characters from the series that the fans will be familiar with. They used part of familiar story lines but switched it up a bit which was interesting. Not being a "fan boy" this didn't bother me but it might bother a true die hard fan. So far I'm hearing great stuff from the die hards so I'm not worried. It's fairly predictable, which I don't mind at all in my Sci-Fi flicks, but it does get touching and does travel the familiar paths of what friendship means, how friends become family and how important that is to your life. There were a few "it wouldn't work that way" or "oh yeah, he'd just wait till the guy recovered before he'd punch him again" moments which, in my book, lost a half point but over all I give this one a 9.5 out of 10. And, yes, due to the effects, if you can, go see it on the big screen.

Barbara Says:

Ok, I give up. They are making much better movies out of comic books nowadays.  Those that came before were, as far as I was concerned, crap.  Laughable in some cases.  But I have really enjoyed all the Iron Man movies and the last Superman movie.  Really liked The Avengers with all of the guys and girl. But have to say this last Iron Man was awesome and the Star Trek movie today was really great. I am a complete Trekkie fan and have been from the very first one.  But only the `real ones' not the one that tried to follow in their steps. J.J.Abrams and his people did an outstanding job of picking the perfect cast to do this series. They have what it takes to give life to the story and take us on a trip into outer space that makes us gape in awe.  Loved the scene where Spock actually cried. Knew that guy had a soft spot.  Chis Pine does a really great job and without making us think he is a bit stuck on himself because he is so quick to see how to solve problems.  He follows the space ship motto ~He dares to go where no ones else will ~ and I for one want to go right along with him. As was said in Dicken`s ~ More, please? ~ and hurry. This gets a 12 out of me.

Nate Says: (Guest Blogger for Tory)

I saw Star Trek: Into Darkness (2D) opening Friday.  Launching back into the storyline not long after we leave the end of Star Trek the crew is back for action and adventure on the high starscape.  My original concern from previews was that too much time was spent on earth in a series known for exploring “where no one has gone before”.  All concern was soon rendered superfluous as the balance between intrigue on planet and across space had a good feel and flow.  To be expected are gorgeous graphics of the new NCC-1701 inside and out and the realms it traverses.  Equal attention is given to the earth cities and action that occurs therein.  For the consummate Trekkie there are many nods and asides sprinkled throughout the movie to make you grin but not to detract from the experience for the non-initiated.  The plot traces the echoes of Star Trek: Wrath of Khan while highlighting the differences in this new timeline and giving enough twists to maintain a new tone for the new generation of Trek movies. 
Despite all graphics and story ultimately a movie rests its success on the actors within it and I feel the new crew of the Enterprise did justice to their characters and the Trek universe.  The end leaves me wondering which direction will be taken in the next installment and hoping to see the Klingons play a role as the image of Quo’nos lingers.  Oh, and I want one of those bat’leths! I give it 8 out of 10.