Friday, May 17, 2013

Iron Man 3 Rated: PG-13

Tory Says:

I went to see Iron Man 3 with my hubby at the drive-in. Now something you need to know, I had never even heard of Iron Man before I saw the first one. So I don’t have any prior knowledge of the cartoon or comic books. With that said, I LOVED this one!!! They did so many things right!!!
The storyline is that once again Iron Man is being threatened only this time in his own home and it is affecting the people he cares most for! The villain is known as The Mandarin and even though there is a twist, it gets pretty bad for Tony, Pepper and the rest of the cast!
The effects were in my opinion flawless. There isn’t just one or two Iron Man suits anymore…there are almost 50 that they had to create…each one a little different! I loved that. It got to show Stark’s OCD and his inability to shut his brain off since everything that happened in New York (aka The Avengers movie) Also, he meets up with a little boy in this film and I love their interactions. Stark doesn’t dumb down anything for the kid, he just treats him like an equal (for the most part) and that’s wonderful and so rare in adults! My absolute favorite part was that they show more depth to Tony & Pepper’s relationship. This is no longer something semi-serious, this is someone that he cannot live without. I’m a girl who likes a good love story in my action movies so this works perfectly for me but not too overpowering for the guys! Guy Pearce and Ben Kingsley are fantastic as the villains of the film and they even give Don Cheadle’s character more screen time!
All in all, I would say that this film was better than the second Iron Man but not quite as good as the first! Even with that, I would still give it a 9.5 out of 10! I will own this one and probably watch it again and again. If your kids liked and were able to see the first two Iron Man films, they can see this one. Violence of course but it is “comic book” violence. I definitely think that if this is your type of film, it is a must see this summer!

Cat Says:

I have to start off by saying that I'm wishy washy on the "comic book" movies. I love Batman but never a Superman or Spiderman fan. I did like the Hulk, but the Edward Norton version and am just "meh" on the Thor movie. But I did love the first Iron Man film and the second one was fairly good. So I was curious about how they would make this third installment new and engaging. Well, they had to go out on a limb and the ending is a bit ambiguous on where the franchise is headed but it was definitely more original than I expected.

Quick rundown on the plot. Bad man wants to control the world, has taken his scheme as far as he can go and wants Tony Stark to help him. Of course, Tony says no, bad man gets his way in a round about manner and it's up to Tony and, in a smaller part, "Rhodie" and Pepper, played by Don Cheadle and Gwyneth Paltrow, to help save the day. Now the fun part is that Tony and his Iron Man counterpart are virtually dismantled along the way and he is forced to start from scratch. This is done with the help of a kid, Harley, played by Ty Simpkins, who nearly steals the show every time he's on screen. The bad guy, played here by Guy Pearce, has a few twists up his sleeve that make him none so easy to defeat so that makes it a whole lot more interesting than the last villain Iron Man faced in #2. Finally Sir Ben Kingsley has a wonderful role that he really seems to have a fun time playing so it's fun to watch.

Lastly there is Robert Downey Jr. who seems custom made for this role. He can play the arrogant rich jerk very well, flashbacks from his early years in Hollywood maybe? But over the three films he has added a seriousness to the Tony Stark personality without taking away the arrogant smart ass in the process. It's a much deeper character than most of the comic book super hero's have developed. Only Batman comes close. I chalk this up to the talents of RDJ rather than his writers. Some of the lines would seem ludicrous uttered by most actors but RDJ makes the ring true. As I said, Tony Stark seems to be a custom fit. 

Unfortunately, these twists keep you from getting too comfortable with the characters so it is a bit unsettling along the way at times. Yes, you know Iron Man will win in the end but you do end up wondering if the cast with survive intact or if this is the end of the Iron Man run way too often. Those writers had a bit too much fun tweaking the story line to give any sort of sure footing for the audience. It took away part of the fun of Iron Man for me. Not much...about a point...but it's just enough that I don't like it quite as much as I did #1. More than #2 but not more than #1. 9 out of 10 points for me. As with the past Iron Man movies, lots of violence, simulated death and mutilation so appropriate for 8 and older.

Barbara Says:

I am giving Iron Man 3 a 10.  It was enjoyable and action packed.  New bad guy (a play on words) Guy Pearce is always a  bad man. But he so good at it. I, of course, love Robert Downey Jr in anything.  He is one of our best actors.  So glad he got his act together before he killed himself.  Miss Pots gets kidnapped by Guy  and the chase is on to save her and the President. I like Paltrow as an actor and the people who give her a hard time just tee me off.  I also like Don Cheadle a lot.  He is a really good actor and should make more movies where he is the star. But all together these actors make up a good action flick with a human side when it shows what one can live with, and without. That the person who makes you feel is worth more then anything else. Tony Stark brought his life down all the way to the ashes (really) and built it all back up because he came to know that some things in life are worth dying for. A good time can be had by all with this movie (it even has surprises) and no scenes to bar the children who want to see it. I, for one, do not like giving away too much of a movie. It is like someone telling you the ending to a movie before you get to see it. So buy a ticket if you like action movies and sit back to enjoy.

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