Monday, April 29, 2013

The Big Wedding Rated: R

Barbara Says:

I give it a   9 out of 10 and only because it was so predictable at times.  But for sheer enjoyable fun with great lines it was a very good time. It had a different take on a family gathering for a wedding.  Divorced couple with 3 grown children.. One of whom is adopted from a South American mother just so he can have a better life but stays in full contact with said mother and sister. Ex-husband is living with ex-wife`s life long time friend,. One son (a doctor) is a virgin and adopted son has never told his mother that his adopted parents got a divorce. She is Catholic and he feels she would be very upset.  This movie has very talented actors doing their work very well and having a lot of fun at it too. There are scenes that simply cracked my friend Jackie and I up. The whole theater was laughing so hard at times I think I missed some stuff. Maybe have to see it again.     There is one I will remember. ` My mother is a part time Lesbian '.       Followed by 'Well,I think my brother is somewhere having sex with my sister'.       Definitely an adult movie but so much fun to watch.  Take the time and go have some fun of your own.

Cat Says:

Unexpectedly we ended up with a Date Night so my husband and I went to go see The Big Wedding. We are both DeNiro and Keaton fans so we thought we'd give it a try after seeing the trailer. 

The story is about a family and their three kids. The mom (Diane Keaton) and dad (Robert DeNiro) have been divorced for a decade. The mom's best friend (Susan Sarandon) is now the Dad's girlfriend. This is not an issue until the youngest of the three kids, an adopted son (Ben Barnes), is getting married and his biological South American, and very religious Mom is coming for the wedding and doesn't know that the Mom and Dad are divorced. He asks the Mom and Dad to pretend to be married just for the weekend so his Biological Mom won't find out. This causes many issues with Dad's girlfriend since they have been living together for 8 years and has a whole host of issues with this arrangement. Add in an older daughter (Katherine Heigl) who is having marital issues and a middle brother (Topher Grace) who is turning 30 and still a virgin and the adopted son's hot biological sister and you have lots of reasons to stick with the many facets of this family. 

It is funny, vulgar, gross, serious, touching and sad all wrapped up in one. It earns it's R rating with graphic sexual situations and dialog as well as nudity, drinking, and swearing. But it does a great job of pointing out that no one is perfect but you can still be perfect for each other if you are willing to work it out, take others feelings into consideration and do what is needed to work things out. 

If your dollars are limited then you could wait till DVD to watch this one but it is worth a visit. We gave it a 7.5 out of 10. Cute, funny, touching and worth seeing but there isn't any new ground here and while I'm sure I will watch it on tv when it comes on cable, I won't rush out to own it.

Tory Says:

I went with one of my girlfriends to see The Big Wedding. I don’t think either of us have laughed that hard in a long time!!! I also think it was just “not girly” enough that my husband would have enjoyed it as well!

Basically the movie centers around a couple who is getting married. Her parents are rich and sort of crazy, his parents are divorced and his father has a long-time girlfriend who happens to be his ex-wife’s best friend! The groom’s parents have 3 children: A daughter having marital and fertility issues, an almost 30 year old son who is a virgin having hormone issues and the groom who is adopted and marrying the woman he loves. Well the groom’s birth mother is coming over from Columbia for the wedding but she is VERY religious and doesn’t know the people who adopted her son, are now divorced. So the groom convinces his parents to pretend to be together for the weekend and the comedy begins!

I loved the message this had about adoption. It was wonderful that he kept in contact with his birth mother and that he actually has three mothers! It’s not about blood, it’s about love! My favorite relationship was actually the daughter and her brother: the virgin, doctor son! Their banter was CLASSIC! This film is hilarious and heartfelt but verbally explicit. I think a must see for anyone who thinks their family can be a bit nuts…let’s face it, that’s most of us!

It SERIOIUSLY earns its “R” rating. There is language, innuendo and nudity! If you can put away any prude-ish feelings, I think everyone would find it funny! It gets 9 out of 10 for me. Only losing a point for predictability. 

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