Sunday, April 7, 2013

Admission Rated: PG-13

Tory Says:

Sadly, I was not as impressed with this as I’d hoped I would be. I thought Tina Fey and Paul Rudd what a great duo for a comedy. They will both just be hilarious. Little did I know, it was more serious than that!

Tina Fey is on the admissions board for Princeton and Paul Rudd plays a teacher who loves to travel and has stopped to teach at a small school. In the school is a very unusually gifted child believed to be Fey’s son she gave up for adoption at birth. Fey and Rudd end up falling for each other even though they had no plans on it at all and it isn’t appropriate being that she's on the admissions board.

I wasn’t upset that I saw this film and I loved what it had to say about adoption and kids not having to be "perfect" to be accepted but I wish I would have seen just ONE preview that made it look heartfelt or serious because 70% of the time, it was. The kid who plays Paul Rudd’s son was adorable and probably the best part of the film for me! Like I said, I enjoy Fey and Rudd but even they didn't seem to have their whole hearts in this.

There is comedy in it and most of it is funny but if you are looking for the next “Knocked Up” or “Bridesmaids” go see something else. I love Paul Rudd (I have since Clueless) but this isn’t a favorite of mine. It was “just ok” for me. There wasn’t enough comedy for it to be considered a real comedy and there wasn’t enough drama for it to be serious so it fell a little flat. Not all the humor is appropriate for kids so I would say at least 14 and up if not older. Honestly, unless you were “dying to see this one” then I would pass altogether. It gets a 6 out of 10 from me because I won’t see it again but I love the two main actors and what it had to say about adoption and acceptance

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