Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Monsters University Rated: G

Tory Says:

We saw Monsters University with a mixed group of adults and kids. I think it is safe to say everyone had a great time!

Basically this movie was a prequel to Monsters Inc. It introduces more about who Mike & Sully were and how they met at college. What I loved most about this movie was the seamless transition. I really felt like I could watch this one and then go home and watch Monster’s Inc.

Not only did my 2 year old enjoy it but so did both my husband and I. As usual Pixar’s animation is practically flawless and the voice talents were perfect. I didn’t realize there were going to be SO many big names in this one! The idea that you don’t have to be what everyone wants you to be and that you will find people who accept you and love you just for who you are…I love that! It is a great message for everyone but especially kids.

My kiddo didn’t find anything to be “scary” in it but our friend’s little girl (who is almost 6) did “peak through her fingers” at a few scenes. Honestly, I think that if they can sit through Monstrs Inc. then University should be no problem! It is closer to 2 hours so be advised when bringing little ones. For me, this one gets a 9.5. I can’t find too much fault in it but I rarely give out a 10. (But trust me, I WILL be buying this one…and maybe even seeing it again in theaters!) 

Cat Says:

We went to go see Monsters University with a large group ages 18 mos to 50 years. We all loved it. The story takes place a few years before Monsters Inc. but by the end of the movie they have brought you fully up to speed.

The movie follows Mike through the experiences in his childhood that led him to wanting to work on the Scare Floor at Monsters Inc to how he meets Sully and how they become best friends while attending Monsters University.

What I love about this film are all the life lessons it covers. Believing in yourself, dealing with not being popular as well as the pressures of being popular, making new friends, teamwork, and persevering even when it looks like the chips are stacked against you are all covered here. Kids take away some great lessons while enjoying a very entertaining film. 

The animation of the first film blew me away. Sully's fur looked SO real. Well, they have advanced quite a bit since then. There is one scene where the bus looks so real it is more like they added animated characters to a real bus! It is amazing.

The film is a tad bit long for the little kids. With previews it is 2 hours long. While all the kids really loved it some of them napped for part of the film. All of the adults loved it. I'm giving it a 9.5. One of the few "sequels" that stands up just as wonderfully as the first film!

Barbara Says:

My friend and went to see Monsters University and while it was an enjoyable film to watch if there is nothing else to see we were not as impressed as the first one. Loved the Monsters,Inc. Loved Mike and Sully and the purple lizard.  But this one was too long and even we adults became restless.  We had children becoming bored around us too. Granted it had some very good life lessons in it and gave some back ground on the friendship.  But out of 10 we gave it a 7.  Now we very much enjoyed the little clip before the movie about `The Blue Umbrella'. It was sweet and very inventive.

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