Sunday, July 7, 2013

Despicable Me 2 Rated: PG

Barbara Says: 

Really liked the first one and this one was just as good.  I love those Minions. They are just so darn cute.   They make the movie for me. Love is in the air for Gru and it is sweet to watch.  It is of course the same old really bad guy verses used to be bad guy (well,sorta) but with those little guys doing their funny stick.  Will have to watch it again sometime as I missed a few little bits because of an asthma problem.  But saw enough to recommend it for just about all to see and enjoy. The bad guy has kidnapped those cuties and turned them into purple monsters that eat everything and it is up to Gru and his new love, Lucy, to save them and the world. Out of 10 I give it a solid 8 for fun.

Tory Says:

Did you like the first Despicable Me? Good because the sequel is EVEN BETTER!

The plot for the second film is pretty simple. The AVL (Anti-Villains League) wants to recruit Gru (voiced by the wonderful Steve Carell) to help them find an evil villain who stole a secret artic lab. Gru being an ex-villain and finally getting adjusted to life as a Dad, at first resists. Finally he agrees to help his new partner Lucy (voiced by Kristen Wiig) set up in the local mall where they suspect the villain is hiding out.

As always the minions steal the show but I found myself not only giggling at Lucy but actually laughing out loud at parts! I think that this is by far Kristen Wiig’s best film! Gru is just as funny, bumbling and heartwarming in this film as the first. I love that he really does want the girls to come first and in this film, even has to battle the idea of Margo dating!!

I laughed and laughed and laughed at this one. Actually, everyone did! At one point I laughed so hard I was crying but I won’t give away that part…just that as usual minions were involved! My 2 year old loved it. He sat through the whole thing and cracked up whenever the minions came on. (Did I mention they steal the show! lol)

Honestly, I think this is one the whole family will love and want to own. I’m actually giving it a 10 out of 10 because so rarely does a film leave me wanting to re-watch it the second I got out of the theater. 

Cat Says:

My husband and I went to go see this today. We were surprised we loved the first one so much and were looking forward to seeing the second one. And the theater was full of families with kids that ranged from age 2 to well, us. 

As mentioned in the other reviews, this movie is about what happens after the first movie as Gru tries to become "family man". The Anti-Villain League gets a hold of him and recruits him to find a new villain who is trying to take over the world. Along the way he finds love and all ends happily ever after. 

It is a fun little movie. We didn't like it as much as the first one but close. The problems I had with it are ones that parents of small kids will want to pay attention to and use as guidance. I'm only going to use two examples, so I don't give the movie away, but in the beginning (as seen in trailers) Gru is kidnapped. Now the trailer shows him getting tasered (something to really think about your kids seeing in the first place) but what the trailer doesn't show is him getting out of the trunk and then being hit by her car before being kidnapped again. Later in the movie one of the minions, turned into a mindless killing machine (yup, might want to think about that for a moment) crashes through the house window to attack the kids. There were kids screaming at this second point in the movie. It went from kid movie to kid horror flick. As I mentioned...these are just two examples. So keep that in mind if you have a kid under 6 who might be scared easily.

For us adults it was a funny collection of Spy vs. Super Villain and is laced with plenty of references to the last 4 decades of music, stereotypes and spy flicks. The only real complaint we had about it is that they tend to focus on the Minions as main characters a lot more than the first one. So there are long sequences where the Minions where singing or talking in their own language that were a bit like watching a foreign film with no subtitles. Cute but a bit too long. The first movie was an 8.5 out of 10 but this one only rates a 7 in my book. Still fun to go see but if money is tight then it can wait for DVD.

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