Monday, July 28, 2014

Begin Again Rated: R

Cat Says:

So I'd seen the trailer for this movie and I was lukewarm in going to see it but my Mom wanted to see it so what the heck...good Girl's Night Out movie? Yes, yes it was!

The film begins with a girl, Gretta (played by Keira Knightly) being forced up on stage at an Open Mic night by a friend. She sings a little folk song that is not too well received...except by one very drunk washed up music industry producer, Dan (played by Mark Ruffalo) who doesn't just hear her song but also the full arrangement he could bring to it and make it a hit. If only Gretta would let him. 

Gretta is on her last night in the States, heading back to the UK after her relationship with her up and coming rock star and co-songwriter boyfriend, Dave (played by Adam Levine) crashes and burns when he ends up breaking up with her after dragging her on his whirlwind journey to stardom. So she's broken-hearted and just wants to get the hell outta Dodge and away from how much her life sucks and the last thing she wants is to deal with some drunk guy who wants to make her a star. 

But the thing Dan needs most in life is to make her a star and save his own life. He's lost his wife and daughter, and on that day his job too, to his failing career and his dive into the bottle so he really needs this motivation to rejoin the human race and his life. 

So he talks Gretta into his dream, talks his old partner at their music label to give it a chance, and he and Gretta put together their own album. And save each other. 

It's a wonderfully sweet movie. It doesn't make anyone an angel or a devil, not even the cheating boyfriend Dave. Everyone has a heart, everyone is dealing with how fast life changes and how quickly you can get lost. And I loved it. This one I will own when it comes out on DVD type loved it. I loved the music so much I went out and bought the soundtrack that day. I really like Keira Knightly's voice and the music here but a word on that. Go to Amazon or just look up one of the songs on YouTube before going to see this. If you hate this music then you'll hate the movie since it's in just about every single scene. But if you like the music then chances are you will love this movie. I give it a 9.5 out of 10. 

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