Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Rio 2 Rated:G

Tory Says:

We went to see Rio 2 on Easter Sunday. My husband and I took our 3 year old son and our friend took her almost 5 year old son. The kids LOVED it! It has so many bright colors and wonderful music that it held their attention 99% of the time! Even we as parents liked it. I always say the mark of a good children’s movie is when they combine humor for both the kids and adults. Rio 2 did that wonderfully. If you saw the first one and liked it, you will most likely like the second one.

Blu and Jewel now have three kids and while Jewel tries to teach the children to live off the land, Blu lives like he did in America with all the human luxuries. Newlyweds Linda and Tulio are in the Amazon re-releasing a bird they nursed back to health into its natural habitat. While there, they find evidence of other birds like Jewel and Blu. So they go on TV and say they will find them and when they do, it will help get the area declared a preserve. But a greedy logger doesn’t want that to happen so he tries to stop them! Jewel begs Blu to take the kids on a “family vacation” to the Amazon to see the other birds and reluctantly Blu agrees to make her happy. While there, they discover hundreds of birds like them including Jewel’s entire family! Although Blu tries to impress Jewel’s father, he just doesn’t fit in. Meanwhile, Nigel (from the first movie) is alive and keeps trying to get his revenge on Blu!

It really was a cute movie and I love that it deals with so many issues: addiction to technology, saving the rainforest, family coming first and the importance of compromise. There are plenty of new characters and the of course, phenomenal voice talent! I will happily own this one and my son is still asking to go back and see “the dancing birdies!” Fun, heartwarming and makes you want to dance! A solid 8 out of 10 for me!

Barbara Says:

Even if you did not see the first film RIO you will enjoy this second one, RIO 2. I liked the first one quite a lot but I loved this one even more.  It was such fun for the children but it was delight for the adults too. The story is based on the Blue Macaw in Brazil having gone extinct but for one owned by a young woman in the U.S.  The first film deals with her finding a second one in Brazil and herself a boyfriend  as well.  The two Macaws have an adventure with bird trapping villains and then they form their own family. 

In this second movie they discover there are more Macaws living far into the jungle of Brazil who are being driven out of their home by a tree cutting thief and his band of cutthroats. It is everyone to the rescue which includes several different birds they met in Rio and a English bulldog.  The Macaw who lived in U.S. named Blu (played by Jesse Eisenberg), is so citified that he does not eat things birds eat and is horrified when his lady love, Jewel (played by Anne Hathaway) eats a fly that's bothering him.  He eats pancakes, eggs, etc. for breakfast.  He does not sleep outside in trees.  So going deep into the jungle where he has to do all those things that he feels are beneath him makes for some very funny lines.  When he meets the leader of the Macaws ,which turns out to be Jewel`s father, (played by Andy Garcia) he is completely undone. Father thinks he just does not measure up to what he wants for his daughter, but feels her old boyfriend Nigel does.  So the battle is on to outwit the tree thieves and prove to Jewel`s father he is the better bird. We had a lot of fun with this one.  So bring out the child in yourself, when you don`t have one to take with you, and go see this very delightful movie. I know you will have a wonderful time.  Out of 10 this one gets a 10 for just plain fun.

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