Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Lego Movie Rated:PG

Tory Says:

I wish my almost 3 year old son could write this review. Of course if he wrote it, it would be a very short one that said “I love blocks!” and that’s it.

Who hasn’t played with Legos? Even if you didn’t play with them as a kid then I’m guessing your child, niece , nephew, cousin or grandchild plays with them. Even though I played with Legos as a kid, I will admit, I wasn’t as excited to see this movie as my husband and son were. I thought it looked a little silly. It was nice to be pleasantly surprised.
We all liked it. Actually my husband LOVED it! We laughed at most of the jokes and by the end of the movie, were not only dancing but singing the theme song “Everything is Awesome.” I really enjoyed the little nods to the old Lego characters but there were some parts I found a little slow.
I don’t think I would rush out to buy this movie but if it was one a movie channel one day, I would watch it. I liked it but didn’t love it. Usually by about an hour into a film, my little guy is getting restless but I think all the bright colors and music kept him extremely entertained. He sat through the whole film without a peep!
Not my favorite movie so far this year but a good one. I would give it 7 out of 10. There is nothing in it that kids can’t see and I think even adults will appreciate some of the humor and references!  Prepare to be singing that song for all of eternity…and then again whenever someone says “Everything is awesome.” I bet that if you’ve already seen the movie, you just sang that sentence, huh?

Cat Says:

Being a "Lego Family" we were all really excited to see this when we saw the trailers for it. Then we started to hear from friends that it was SO good. Critics loved it too. But by the time we got around to being able to see it our 12 year old son was hearing bad things about it from his friends and almost didn't want to go see it anymore. That made me nervous. But then family went to go see it and loved it so we were still hopeful. What we ended up with was definitely a "mixed bag".

The 12 year old thought it was dumb. And the part I loved the most, the ending, was the part he liked the least. Huh. Mind you, we are the "middle" generation here at the Blog, so I wasn't surprised at our reaction to the film but shocked at the kid's reaction! I was sure he'd love it. But there appears to be a generation gap in place here.

What I did like about the movie is easy. That silly song gets stuck in your head..it really is catchy but in a funny good way. I loved how they used the different "play sets" from Lego as their backdrops and I loved the ending. My thing about the ending is that it would have set up the movie even better if they had begun with that bit of information at the beginning. Nope, not gonna tell you what it is since the movie chose to make this their "twist" at the end. 

And there's Batman and GoodCop/BadCop. These two characters made the movie for me. Will Arnett is hysterical as Batman and one of my favorite parts of the movie has to do with GoodCop/BadCop (Liam Neeson) that got a big laugh from me (and still makes me chuckle when I think about it).

But here is the main story. Emmett (Chris Pratt) is a construction worker who builds only within the plans and, indeed, gets his whole identity out of his routine. Then, suddenly, everything goes wonky on him and he's thrust into the spotlight as a hero thanks to the efforts of a prophecy delivered by a wizard (Morgan Freeman) and a master builder (Elizabeth Banks) who is the girl of Emmett's dreams. The are all sure that Emmett is THE master builder they have been waiting for to save their world from the evil overlord Lord Business (Will Ferrell) who wants to freeze the world and everyone in it and only Emmett has the piece that can do it. It is the job of GoodCop/BadCop to track Emmett down and stop him before he saves the world.

The overall message is a good one. That everyone is special no matter who they are or what they do and that you can act badly and then realize that it's something you can change if you want to do so. The laughs were, for us, more chuckles than laughs. But if you are a Lego person then you will find something to love about this film. We gave it a 6-3/4 out of 10. Don't regret seeing it but don't need to see it again.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Non-Stop Rated: PG-13

Barbara Says:

I have been waiting to see a movie in the Extreme-D theater at Greenback for a long time now. Finally got my chance today and the movie was Liam Neeson's new one called "Non-Stop''. The theater was perfect for this movie as it has a huge screen and a great sound system.  Also, great leather seats.   But for the movie review. Really liked it a lot. So did my friend. It is a fast action movie (of course.  This is Neeson, after all) and it is a "who done it''. It has Julianne Moore as his seat mate on this flight from New York to London.  He is an air marshal by the name of Bill Marks who has a drinking problem and hates to fly. He receives a message on his phone right after take off that someone will die every 20 minutes if he does have 150 million transferred into an account.  He goes to the head flight attendant (Michele Dockery of Downton Abbey) to enlist her help.  Needless to tell you it all goes down hill fast.  Turns out the account the money is to go into is in his name. His life starts to fall apart with everyone but the woman seated next to him.  The last person he should trust is the first person to suspect.  Do not want to give anything else away because even for me (I read..a lot) there was a surprise.  But as I said, I enjoyed this movie because I like action thrillers with a good story line.  This one has all that.  Out of 10 I give it an 8.  One point I made to my friend is that flight attendants do not wear 6 inch heels. They would break a leg if they did. And while I love the actress as Mary on Downton Abby I was not impressed with her in this movie. Otherwise, good movie...go see.