Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Monuments Men Rated: PG-13

Cat Says:

I loved the idea of this story from the moment I heard about it. I had heard about Hitler and the Russians stealing art from Italy and France during the war but no idea about these guys who helped to save a lot of it. I know that there are efforts, to this day, to have pieces returned to their countries of origin. So it's a good story. It's not a huge story. More of a "slice of life" type thing. They don't save the world, they don't save the war, they save some art. So for those looking for some huge blockbuster, this isn't it. It's a sweet little story about some good guys who do something and risk their lives for the betterment of all. And this movie tells that story very well. 

This is George Clooney's project and he acts, directs and even wrote this film. Once you see it you will understand why he was so drawn to it. It begins with him getting together a bunch of guys from all over the US as well as one from the UK and one from France to help them find this art that Hitler and the Nazi's have stolen and hidden and then return it back to where it belongs. But as the war ends Hitler delivers a proclamation that says that if he dies or Germany falls then ALL of the art is to be destroyed. As Clooney's character says in the movie, to destroy a culture's art is to destroy themselves. So the urgency of finding and saving this art is more important than ever as the film progresses.

The entire cast is wonderful in this. Clooney as the ringleader is sweet and earnest and determined, Matt Damon as his friend and the one who gets the most information out of a French woman, played by Cate Blanchett, Bill Murray, who has one of the most touching scenes of the film, Hugh Bonneville (from Downton Abbey) as the dedicated art historian determined to save the Madonna and Child sculpture, John Goodman and Jean Dujardin (from The Artist) as a couple of guys trying to track down a shipment before it's all over with, and Bob Balaban as the "private" who truly learns what life is all about. 

You can tell by the music score that this isn't a "War Picture" and it isn't supposed to be the grim depiction of war but rather the mission of this band of art historians, curators and artists to try to save what they love and what they deem important enough to risk their lives. I have to totally disagree with the critics on this one and give it a 9 out of 10. I went into the theater expecting a great story about men trying to do the right thing and that is exactly what I got. Not for a second was I bored or felt like the film dragged. It was entertaining and sometimes heartbreaking and always wonderful to watch. Do you "have" to see it on the big screen...probably not but some of the places they visit on their search will take your breath away on the big screen so if you can go see it then DO go see it. Hang around for the end credits where you will be treated with photos of the real Monuments Men. I will own this one as soon as it comes out on DVD.

Barbara Says:

Had a very good time at the movies on Sunday.  Saw Monuments Men with a cast to behold.  George Clooney, Matt Damon, Bill Murray, John Goodman and Cate Blanchett. There were other very good actors in this but those are the highlights. This is based on a true story of a group of men in their 30`s and 40`s that during WWII formed a crew to get back famous artifacts stolen by the Nazis. These pieces were hidden by the Nazis to be put in a museum that Hilter wanted built after he took over the world.  But it turns out that he also put in writing that if he lost the war everything was to be destroyed.  

It seems a friend of George`s bought the book about this in an airport shop. Thus was the start to a very good movie about it, as far as I am concerned anyway. I, along with everyone I have spoken to, had no idea this ever happened.  Even the daughter of one of the men involved did not know. This is a small band of men who set out to find these treasures taken from museums and homes all over Europe. This  film is endearing, funny, sad (two of the men died) and heart felt.  I wish there were more movies like this made. Out there, in real life, are so many true acts of heroism that should be shown on film. Instead of all this stupid crap we get buried in every year. 

One scene was more then interesting because I had actually been there.  There is a castle of King Ludwig, Neuschwanstein, that the Nazis stored statues in and on my trip to Bavaria we toured it. The most amazing castle you could ever imagine. All in all, I really liked this movie. It had heart and it made you think about a piece of history.  The acting was the kind of work these men always turn out and the scenes were very real looking.  If you want to spend some time learning something of value and seeing some good actors do their stuff then see this movie. If you are into stupid humor and nonsense, then this is not for you. Out of 10 I give it a 10. I will most definitely watch this one again.

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