Monday, August 19, 2013

Lee Daniels:The Butler Rated: PG-13

Barbara Says:

History has always been one of my favorite things.  I am a firm believer in the knowledge that to make a better future - then learn from the past. Just by being the kind of man he was, he made people think about WHAT he was. A black man with a pride in his work and a passion to make a better life for those he loved then the one he had to endure as a boy. From field hand to house "nigga" (they use this term in the movie in order to make you feel the uncomfortable feelings he felt and keep it realistic) to hotel servant to butler in the White House.  This was this mans road to travel.  Forest Whitaker has always been one of those actors that Hollywood over looks because he makes it look so easy.  He can say more with one glance at someone then ten words can do.  You feel his pain as a man who must see and listen to powerful men discuss what they will or will not do to help people of his color. When Jack Kennedy is shot the real sense of loss he feels is clear and when Jackie gives him a tie her husband loved he treasures it like diamonds.  The love he feels for both his sons comes back to wound him deeply.  The older son played by David Oyelowo does a great piece of work here as someone trying to change the world around him and paying a high price to do it.   Oprah Winfrey, as the wife who spends too much time alone but still loves her husband a great deal, does a very good job of her role. You can feel her suffering as she drowns  in liquor and an affair.  All in all, this is a quite movie that will tear at your heart if you have one. It brought both of us to tears several times. To know that your fellow humans can treat someone as these people have been (and still are) being treated makes me ashamed .  How can we talk about what some other country  is doing to their people when this one continues to look down on someone for the color of their skin is shameful. If you are a courageous  person who believes in Life, Liberty,and the pursuit of Happiness for everyone regards of the color, race or religion go see this movie and I dare you to walk away from it without a feeling of shame for the way they were and still are in some cases treated. This man served faithfully through several presidents for a great many years and was well regarded by them.    These are the stories I love to watch on the big screen.  The Butler is a movie worth spending your money on. I give it a 10 out of 10.

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