Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Call Rated: R

Barbara Says: 

This is a real tension reliever.  Because first it draws you up tight as a bow string and then leaves you limp as a noodle. It also opened quite a discussion on the way home too. How many people ever give a thought to the families of these horrible monsters that commit terrible deeds against others?  How do they ever live with the knowledge that they gave birth to, slept with, or had children with these people?  I know it would haunt me. 

This man who kidnaps these young girls to do such awful things to them and the 911 operator who takes the calls from two of them pleading for their lives is so real it makes you hold your breath and plead right along with them.  The ending is off the charts and perfect.  Not sure how a young girl would want to see this but maybe it would be appropriate for 17 and up.  I give it an 9 out of 10. It is not a movie for the faint of heart because it strains the heart. It grabs and holds your interest right from the beginning. Good movie. Enough said.

Cat Says:

If you have seen the previews for this one then you know the basic outline. Halle Berry plays a 911 operator who takes a call one night to find a terrified teen on the end of the line and then a psycho who abducts the girl. The outcome of that call almost leads to a breakdown for "Jordan" and takes her off the 911 phones. Until the day another hysterical teen, Abigail Breslin, calls in and Jordan realizes that it's the same psycho who is responsible. 

This very fast paced race against time leaves clues that, if you read "procedurals" or watch a lot of CSI type tv shows or movies, you can pick up on a few steps ahead of Jordan and her co-workers. This doesn't kill the suspense for you! In fact, if you do figure out the clues ahead of time the movie just makes you feel like you were smart enough to be right! At points you will find that you've been holding your breath waiting for something to happen.

There was only one point where I was thinking "REALLY?!? They are going THERE?" but then, just as quickly it was changed to "oh, ok, yeah, I'd do that too." It really is that fast paced. Great acting by Berry, Breslin and Morris Chestnut as Jordan's Police Officer boyfriend. 

Very intense and it earns it's R rating but I almost think it's a must watch for older teens, boys and girls. There are a lot of tips and tricks you can learn in case you ever find yourself trapped in this situation. WAY too intense for under 16. There is some swearing, a lot of violence since it centers around not just one but two kidnappings as well as murder. I give it a 9 out of 10.

Tory Says:

I’m not a big scary movie person but I do love a good thriller. The Call is an awesome thriller. I really enjoyed the suspense even if it is a little predictable.

Halle Berry plays a 911 operator who is very good at her job until one day a call with a teenager whose house is being broken into doesn’t go well and it really changes her character. About 6 months later, it is almost like déjà vu when another teenager (Abigail Breslin)is kidnapped and at risk for the same fate.

I've seen most of Halle Berry’s recent films and let’s just say they aren't anything Oscar worthy but this one is so much better than I was expecting!! This film reminded me why I used to like her! My biggest surprise was Abigail Breslin. This was the adorable little girl from “Little Miss Sunshine” but my-oh-my has she grown up. I really think that she is becoming a wonderful actress. I had never seen Michael Ekland who plays the bad guy but I felt he was genuinely slimey and easily hated which is all you really need for a good villain.

All in all, not a waste of money and one that I will at least see again, if not own. I think if you poke too deep you will find all sorts of flaws and doubts but if you just take it for what it is (just a movie) then you’ll enjoy it. Due to violence and some language, I don’t think this is one for the kids. I agree with the R-rating and would keep this 17 and up. For me this gets an 8.5 out of 10. (1 point for predictability and an half because it isn't exactly Oscar material.) 

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