Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Hi there! Let me introduce myself and our new blog! I am Cat, the designated flag flier of the middle generation in this three generations Movie Blog. The idea is to give three different generational views of each movie we see. We hope to present a different outlook on a current film, sometimes a VERY different outlook, from each of us.

 Now we don't all see every movie that the other two may see but the three of us do manage to see most of what comes out in the theaters here in America. I think the only movies we might skip are very low humor movies and slasher movies but we know people who will gladly step in as guest bloggers to help us out!

As a 50 year old Mom to three, two grown girls and one almost 12 year old boy, I will be adding in some parental guidelines to my reviews as well as my own personal opinions about the films. I will not be giving away any movie spoilers but will refer you to if I feel like you might need or want warning when, say, a main character dies and you may want to know that before stepping into the theater. I will use a 1-10 scale. 1 is really bad. Like so bad I can not fathom how it ever got money to get made much less got me to go sit in a seat. 10 is the most amazing movie ever. Like if they had the DVD/Blu-Ray available to buy right after the movie I would be stepping up and laying down my cash. The sort of movie I'd like to just stay in my seat and watch all over again. Needless to say, those extremes in movies are rare. Most of my reviews will fall between 6 and 8 with recommendations to see it in the theater or wait till DVD. I honestly have no idea how the other two reviewers will rate the movies....they could use numbers, stars, yellow idea.

Speaking of them...the other two reviewers are the younger generations flag flier, Tory, and the older generations flag flier, Barbara. I will be posting the reviews but we will each be independently writing those reviews without consulting each other first. So what you will get will be our own personal opinions, not a combined, discussed group opinion.

And...speaking of that...these are JUST our opinions. We don't take ourselves seriously and we hope you won't take our reviews too seriously either. After all, these are reviews of a fake world that largely revolves around implausible stories acted out by impossibly beautiful actors. While we truly love movies, have worked in the industry (still have family/friends who work in the industry) we don't take them to the extent of life and death seriousness. It's merely entertainment and we do hope you will be entertained and informed by our reviews.

Feel free to comment about our reviews, let us know details you would like to see in our reviews, or even give us your own review of the movie! We would love to hear from you!

There will not be a particular day of the week that I will post the reviews since we don't always go see movies on the weekend. Some weeks there will be no review and some weeks there will be 2 or even 3 reviews in one week. The easiest way to see all of the reviews is to subscribe to the blog. That way you will be emailed each time a new blog is posted.

See you next week with our first review!


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