Friday, August 15, 2014

The Hundred Foot Journey Rated: PG

Barbara Says:

The Hundred Foot Journey was a movie I was looking forward too a lot.  Love Helen Mirren as she always does a top notch job every time.  This is about rival restaurants. One very upscale run by Helen and a new one right across a very small road being opened by an Indian family forced out of their homeland by having their restaurant burned to the ground.  The mother died in the fire.  She had been teaching her son (Manish Dayal) to cook and she left her spices to him.   There are five children and the father (Om Puri) who set up the restaurant in the South of France.  Not a great place to start an Indian eating place.  Certainly  not across from a place that has one Michelin star for great food.  Warning to all the women this guy Dayal is just the best looking man I have seen in a good while.  The young female chef in training across the road thinks so too.  Bitter words and underhanded tricks are committed by Helen at the start and so the father returns them too. This goes on till real damage is done and the young man gets hurt .  This wakes the woman Helen plays up to what she is doing.  She lets the young man come cook for her to see if he is as good as the father says. He is that and she hires him to train in her place.  She gets another star due to him and then he gets an invite to a teaching restaurant in Paris.  Leaving his new blossoming love behind.  This is a story of family and love and honor. All very important things in life.  Out 10  I gave it a 10 just because I enjoyed it from start to finish. The acting was very good.  The scenery wonderful to look at and it shows what can happen when we let pride and a fear of something different cloud our better judgement.

Cat Says:

I really went to see this film for Helen Mirren. I'm a huge fan and truly wanted to know if she could pull off "French". We have a very good friend who is French so I had much in which to compare the performance. Mirren nails it!

The format of the film is rather predictable. Indian father finds a place in France to set up his restaurant with son who can cook. Unfortunately the building is right across the street from a famous French restaurant. Son who can cook falls for girl from French restaurant who can cook and all live happily ever after. Right? Close.

The film begins with an explanation about the family from India, their lives there and how the son learned to cook. In fact, it's a family business. It shows their journey to France and the discovery that the son can't just cook but he's one of "those" chefs. The type who become world famous type chefs. Helen Mirren plays the owner of the French restaurant, Madame Mallory, and she is a piece of work...until her snobery bites her in her conscience. Om Puri plays the father of this displaced this family who really just wants a shot at a new life. There is a brother and two sisters as well but it's the younger son, Hassan, played by the simply gorgeous Manish Dayal, who shines. He meets the sous chef from the French restaurant their first night in town and he's head over heels for her. Marguerite, played by Charlotte Le Bon, is not so quick to fall. Being a chef is a competitive thing and she wants to win as much as he wants to learn. While she is very good, he is amazing. And his quick rise to the top of the culinary scene divides them from each other. But this is happily ever after right? So you pretty much know the ending at the beginning but you most certainly do not mind the ride. These are interesting characters played by gifted actors so you glide through this film like the perfectly plated food you see in the film. For that predictability I deduct a point but it's a very minor flaw in an otherwise divine movie. 9 out of 10. 

For parents. The beginning of the movie has quite a bit of violence as Hassan and his family flee a violent rebellion. There is quite a bit of wine drinking and a disturbing fire scene. If you have a sensitive child then you may want to wait till they are older but I think 8 and up is a safe guideline.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy Rated: PG-13

Cat Says:

I have to start out by saying that my guys went to go see this and were just over the moon about it. I'm a fan of the Marvel films but this one looked too hokey to be believed. Almost a spoof on the Avenger type films. So I was worried about this one. If I can give one piece of advice...just go with the flow. There are many times where you will stop briefly and think "but in the last scene that blew up!" and wonder about the cohesiveness of the story. That seems to have very little consideration in the making of this film. For your own good, don't think that hard. Just go with the flow.

The story begins with a boy who is losing his mom to cancer. Right after she dies he is kidnapped by aliens (go with me here) and then you are moved 26 years in the future where you find the boy has grown up into a combo Indiana Jones/ Han Solo type guy who listens to a cassette tape on a walkman that his mom gave him. (Yes, this is one of those times you don't want to think too hard about how a cassette tape is still playing after 26 years and numerous plays...don't think about it...just enjoy the vintage music and there is LOTS of that to enjoy!). He's looking for an orb which has many interested parties...some who want to pay for it, most who want to steal it. He, Peter, played by Chris Pratt, gets wrapped up with other bounty/treasure hunters and ends up saving the galaxy. His bad ass love interest, Gamora, is played by Zoe Saldana. She and Chris Pratt are the best part of this movie. The other three in this band of "misfits" are Rocket (a raccoon voiced by Bradley Cooper), Groot (a tree that only says three words over and over again in different ways voiced by Vin Diesel) and Drax (played by Dave Bautista). They are going up against the real bad guy, Ronan, played perfectly by Lee Pace. Ronan is out to destroy the galaxy and the band has to stop them. 

They leave the ending open just enough for you to see that Peter is part alien and you still don't know who his dad is, the band is still together and there is still much to do together so there is no surprise that they planned on more installments to this "romp" in the future. 
If you can get over the inconsistencies and just plain gaffs as well as the shallow characterizations and bad screenwriting and somehow just enjoy Chris Pratt and Zoe Saldana then you will have a good time with this film. My guys gave it a 9 out of 10...I'm giving it more of a 7 out of 10.

Parents: Lots of graphic violence. Most of this movie is a battle scene where someone (or hundreds of someones) is getting annihilated. No sex....I think there is one kiss...and there is mild swearing. Calling someone a "prick" or a "dick". I don't remember any other swearing. 

Barbara Says:

I was not expecting much when we went to see this one.  No, it is not a movie of the year or an Oscar winner.  But it is just good fun  I have watched it twice now and enjoyed it both times.  Chris Pratt does a pretty good job being the result of mating between a human and some unknown male in outer space.  Mom dies at the beginning and he is taken by a space ship minutes after.  His mom gave him tapes for his player with songs from her youth (listening to those was not a hardship at all) and he will risk his life to protect the tapes.  He becomes, as an adult, a guy who steals and sells anything because the man who took him was not his father and not a very good guy at all.  But he becomes involved with a green woman (Zoe Saldana) who is almost the slave of the baddest guy out there.  He is after this silver ball that our guy stole and sends her to get it.   But in steps a raccoon (Bradley Cooper) and a walking, talking tree, " I am Groot", to capture him first. A fight ensues and they are all arrested.  In the escape they become shaky friends at best.  The bad guy now has the the ball which can destroy everything and they must get it back and save a planet.  Lots of CGI but done very well as far as I could tell.  This is funny, sweet, has lots of action and blow ups.  If you want a funny, watchable movie without any expectations of greatness then go see this one.  Out 10 I give it 9 for laughs-7 for acting-6 for story.