Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Captain Phillips Rated: PG-13

Barbara Says:

Why is the theater not packed with people to see this movie??? It is a seat clutching, gut wrenching, nail biting movie with the best acting Tom Hanks has ever done and that is saying something.  I knew how it ended and it did not matter because I was so caught up in it that I was lost.  The only other movie that has done that was Argo with Ben Affleck.  And have to say it: this was even better.  

You come to know these people, even the pirates.  And, in our case, to care about one of them so much you want him to live. The story, in case you were living in a cave when this all went done a few years ago, is about Somali pirates taking an American freighter in the Somali straight. They try to anyway. You even get to see the pirates beforehand and how they became involved in this tragedy. How in some ways, they were not unlike children in their behavior.  You see Captain Phillips emotions so clearly with Hanks`s portrayal and the very real fear he will not live through this to see his family again.  What these people cannot understand is that the United States does not pay a ransom and will end the problem in a final way if pushed to that end.

Go see this movie on the big screen before it is gone because you get the impact so much more.  I simply cannot tell you how well done this movie was or how much it sends the message that the world is a dangerous place.   I give this film an 11 out of 10.  And hope to see Tom Hanks up for an Oscar.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Ender's Game Rated:PG-13

Barbara Says:

This stars a newcomer, or at least he is to us. Asa Butterfield did an amazing job as a young boy in training to fight aliens who, he is told, have attacked Earth before and are massing for another attack. He is quick to see paths other do not and believes in putting on on such a fight that his enemy never returns. But he finds he has been lied to and it just about does him in because he cannot live with what he has done. I will not say what it is so it is a big surprise for you too. 

This movie uses the fact that so many of our young people are very adept at computer games of war. It also stars Harrison Ford, Viola Davis and Ben Kingsley. The movie ran a bit of a different path with a few twists that made it interesting and enjoyable. My friend and I found it worth watching and, out of 10, I would give it a 7.